Florida Keys Healthy Start Coalition
The Florida Keys Healthy Start Coalition has programs for women, children, and families throughout the Florida Keys.

The Healthy Start program is a free program providing moms, newborns, and their families with resources and support to have a healthy pregnancy through baby's first years.
Services we provide:
Pregnancy support
Childbirth education
Breastfeeding education and
support -
Nutritional guidance
Family planning
Flagship Program/Partnership with Monroe County & Florida Department of Health
Click here to view our Healthy Start Page.

Healthy Babies is a program providing prenatal care to uninsured and underinsured pregnant women, as well as providing individual and family counseling session.
Services we provide:
Prenatal care
Transportation services
Nutrition support; Child Birth and Breastfeeding Education classes
Mental health services (PMAD)
Click here to view our Healthy Babies Page.

Keys to Growing Kids facilitates family health and education workshops, developmental playgroups, and breastfeeding support groups throughout the Florida Keys.
Programs we offer:
Tot Time (0-5 years of age)
Wiggles and Giggles (0-5 years of age)
Click here to view Keys to Growing Kids Page.

Keys to Kids Safety empowers parents and caregivers to raise children in a safe environment by providing education, support, and safety supplies.
Services we provide:
Car seat inspection/installation
Low cost car seats
Bicycle helmet fittings
Home, pool, and water safety events
Family education events
Cribs and other safety equipment
Click Here to view our Keys to Kids Safety Page.

Keys to Supporting Families addresses client assistance and nutrition support with baby supplies such as diapers, strollers, formula, and baby food. Through the provision of items/supplies, we are able to teach families about their proper use and allow their finite resources to be used to cover other costs and needs. We are working to add Adopt A Grandparent (intergenerational mentorship) and Parent Coaching programs.
Because of our expertise, we know what families may need and can help them navigate all the “baby stuff” being marketed to them. Through our partnerships with WIC, local food pantries/distribution sites, and other agencies working on food security, FKHSC has become the “go-to” agency for food assistance for pregnant women and infants. The Coalition provides specialty formulas, breastfeeding support, and, as-needed, additional nutritional support.
Our team began providing contactless delivery service because of COVID-19 to ensure families could get the supplies they needed without having to risk exposure to themselves or their children.
Please click here to request diapers or other baby supplies.
Click here to view our Keys to Supporting Families page.

Keys to Hope bereavement program is designed to offer comfort, understanding, and assistance to Monroe County families as they cope with the loss of a pregnancy or child. Our dedicated team members understand the grief that comes with this experience. We recognize that each family’s experience is unique, and we tailor our support to meet the individual needs of every person we serve. While nothing can erase the pain of losing a child, Keys to Hope offers a supportive community to walk beside you during this difficult time.
Click here to request help.
Click here to view our Keys to Hope Page.

Interested in sharing your time or talents in our programs? Take a look at our Get Involved! page to find the perfect volunteer opportunity for you!