Florida Keys Healthy Start Coalition

We could not meet our community's needs without others' support. Whether big or small, their contributions help power the vision to provide access to quality care and resources for all pregnant women, infants, and their families in the Florida Keys. Although the needs of our community are constantly changing and we evolve in response, in a typical year:
Healthy Babies
The need for these services in the Florida Keys is significant. During our financial year of 2020- 2021, we provided transportation to 139 pregnant women to 446 subsidized prenatal care appointments, driving 17,880 miles to ensure they received prenatal care. We provided over 206 hours of one-on-one counseling sessions with our mental health professional to 18 mothers experiencing PMAD (previously known as postpartum depression). We coached 29 moms and their partners to meet their breastfeeding goals and empowered 26 families for their childbirth experience through childbirth class. Over the next year, this program will grow to include labor and bereavement doula support. We will also partner with local agencies and hospitals to address our community's OBGYN and Pediatric crisis.
Healthy Start
Through the Coalition's partnership with the Florida Department of Health - Monroe County, Healthy Start, and CONNECT: Coordinated Intake and Referral programs facilitated screening and assessment of 781 pregnant women and infants in 2020-2021 to identify potential risks for poor birth outcomes and developmental delays. Intake staff assessed 552 clients and referred them to community partners to include enrollment in Healthy Start intervention services. 323 women and infants were enrolled in Healthy Start and received 12,486 units of services, representing 4,404 individual intervention events.
Keys to Kids Safety
This fiscal year, we properly installed 191 car seats throughout the Florida Keys and provided families with 294 reduced or no-cost car seats and strollers. To meet the needs of families who need public transportation, we provided several stroller-car seat combos.
Keys to Growing Kids
These programs help ensure that children are ready and thriving by the time they enter Kindergarten. During this fiscal year, our Wiggles and Giggles and Tot Time playgroups welcomed 1,671 parents and children.
Keys to Supporting Families
During our financial year of 2023-2024, we supplied struggling families with over 75,000 diapers and 1,534 wipes. We also provided other needed items such as strollers, pack and plays for safe sleep, crib sheets, baby bath tubs, clothes, toys and other items. In partnership with local food pantries and distribution sites, FKHSC became the go-to agency for formula and baby food, providing nutritional support to families in the Keys.

Brooks & Joan Fortune Families
Upper Keys Rotary
Community Foundation of the Florida Keys
Florida Blue Foundation
Batchelor Foundation

Private Supporters
ACOG District XII Junior Fellows
Amanda and Will Berlanga in memory of Abigail Berlanga
Anglys Sanabria
Audra Wallace
Business and Professional Women of Marathon
Crystal Marie Jones
Families of our Early Childhood Development Play Groups
Girl's Night Out - Key West
Holly Amber Hopkins
Jana Mahdi
Jannette De Llanos Photography
Jennifer Nicole
Joy Taylor in honor of her mother, Gloria Joy Brown
Kelly Cummings in honor of Aspen Marie
Kisha Jones
Lauren Rutgersen
Lisa Bradeen in memory of Mike Forster
Lourdes Montagne in memory of Mike Forster
Mark & Larissa Myers
Mike and Kim Hartley
Rhonda Paulk Tyler
Rotary Club of Key West
Sarah Bergman